M i g r o r n i s

Canadian Work Visa

Work Visa

Canada is the most important destination for several foreign nationals, including Indians looking to grab employment opportunities. If you choose to work in Canada from India, it will open the door for you to immigrate to the country permanently.

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Work in Canada

The Canadian government wants people to enter and work lawfully in the country and apply for relevant visas. Thus, knowing about the diverse visa categories is of utmost importance. So, you can pick the one that fits best with your eligibility and requirements.

Canada Work Permit Visa

Every year, more than 180,000 foreign workers enter Canada to work temporarily in jobs that help Canadian employers address skill shortages. A work permit is needed for most temporary jobs in Canada

North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)

Under Chapter 16 of NAFTA, citizens of various countries (Canada, the United States, and Mexico) can gain faster, stress-free (temporary) entry into any of these three countries to conduct business or investment purposes.

All those business individuals who are covered by NAFTA don’t need to labor market Impact Assessment (LMIA) from Human Resources and Skills Development Canada (HRSDC).


  • Have worked consistently for at least a period of one year in the past three years for the same or affiliated employer in the US or Mexico.
  • Be transferred to Canada to work provisionally for the same or an afflicted employer and work in a capacity that is managerial, executive or that includes specific knowledge

Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA)

A Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) from Human Resources and Social Development Canada (HRSDC) verifies that there is no Canadian or permanent resident available. The employer can fill the job vacancy with an overseas worker.

Working in Canada is an amazing option for several skilled and qualified workers in India. Every year, over 100,000 skilled workers work in Canada from India on a temporary work permit. Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) issues work visas under the Temporary Foreign Worker Program (TFWP). This program is designed to assist Canadian employers in recruiting Indian workers in response to labor shortages.

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