M i g r o n i s

Visit To Work Visa

Getting a Job Offer and a LMIA

After you enter Canada, you have limited time to apply for a job and get a positive LMIA. Not to mention, getting a job offer is an extremely difficult process in itself. So it is better that you do your homework properly. Let’s explain this point in detail.

Consult with Us

Research for the Job

  • Understand the labour market opportunities in your destination.
  • Match your NOC code with the in-demand jobs in that area.
  • Apply for Jobs online through Indeed, LinkedIn, Glassdoor, etc.
  • Apply directly to the employer’s website.
  • Friends and family can help to find employment opportunities.

Visitor Visa to Work Permit (without LMIA)

There are several benefits to obtaining a work visa, some of which are mentioned below:

  • A work visa allows you to work in a foreign country legally, providing opportunities to gain international work experience, expand your skills, and build your professional network.
  • Working in a foreign country can help you improve your language skills by exposing you to different cultures and languages, which can be an advantage in today's global job market.
  • Working abroad can provide opportunities for career advancement, particularly if you work for a multinational company or in an industry that values international experience.
  • In some countries, the cost of living and wages may be higher than in your home country, which can mean a higher salary and better benefits.
  • Working abroad provides an opportunity to immerse yourself in a new culture, learn about local customs and traditions, and gain a better understanding of the world.
  • Working in a foreign country can be a life-changing experience that can lead to personal growth, self-discovery, and a new perspective on the world.

Overall, a work visa can provide numerous benefits, both professionally and personally. It can provide opportunities to expand your skills, build your network, and gain international work experience, which can be valuable assets in today's competitive job market.

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