M i g r o n i s

Visitor Visa

Visitor Visa

If you wish to explore the best of ‘Canada’, what you need is a Canada Tourist Visa from India.

Canada is a renowned country known for its beauty and diversity. The “Land of Maple Leaf”, as it is fondly called, is one of the most sought-after destinations enticing a major chunk of tourists from all parts of the world.

Its vibrant cities, striking locales, and friendly people will make your travel experience worthy of your memories. Known for being the most immigration-friendly country, Canada will leave you in awe of its diverse cultures, historical monuments, and natural wonders.

If you plan a visit to Canada anytime soon, look no further than Migronis can help you obtain the Canada Tourist Visa from India. The visa for Canada is granted for 6 months and it could either be a single-entry or multiple-entry visa. While you are not allowed to work on a Canada tourist visa, you can travel freely across the country for tourism and leisure.

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What is Canada Tourist Visa?

Canada Tourist Visa is an official permit, which allows a foreign national to enter and live in Canada for a specified period. Entry through this visa can only be granted if a foreign citizen is traveling to the country for holidays, to accomplish business commitments, or to visit friends and family members.

As mentioned above, a Canada Tourist Visa is granted for six months; hence, it is also known as a ‘Temporary Resident Visa’. The Embassy of Canada issues this visa for single trips and multiple trips as well.

Every applicant for Canada Tourist Visa from India is advised to get travel insurance for their trip. A travel insurance plan will keep the insured traveler safe from any unexpected adversities, which might cause interruption to your trip resulting in financial loss.

Types of Canada Tourist Visas for Indians

Here are two types of tourist visas offered by the Canadian Government:

Tourist Visa

A tourist visa is a type of visa that allows foreign nationals to visit the country as tourists. People who are willing to visit Canada for spending their holidays or visiting their friends and family in Canada can apply for this type of visa.

Business Visa

business visa is a type of visitor visa that allows foreign nationals to visit the country to fulfill business commitments. People who need to travel to Canada to attend business meetings, conferences, or conduct business activities can apply for this type of visa.

How to apply for Canada Tourist Visa?

You can apply for a Canada tourist visa either online or offline. Kindly note applying online is easier than doing it offline. However, you will have to be in the vicinity of certain electronic devices. No matter whether you choose to apply online or offline, getting approval for a tourist visa for Canada is a two-step process.

Submitting your application for the tourist visa to the appropriate Canadian visa office in the region is what you need to do. The visa officer will closely examine your application that may have a one-on-one interview with you. Once you have got the tourist visa, you might be interviewed at a POE in Canada by an immigration officer.

Applying for Canada Tourist Visa Online

If you wish to apply for a Canada tourist visa online, you will need to follow the steps mentioned below:

  • You will need access to a camera or scanner for producing electronic copies of the documents you require to upload
  • You will need a valid credit card for paying the fees.
  • All you need to do is fill out the application form. Ensure that you attest the necessary documents. Once done, email them to the Citizenship and Immigration Services.

Applying on Paper for Canada Tourist Visa

If you are looking to follow the traditional route to apply for a Canada tourist visa, you will have to perform the below-mentioned procedure:

  • Download the proper application form from www.canadainternational.gc.ca and fill it out. No have the form printed on a laser printer.
  • You will need a valid credit card for paying the fees.
  • All you need to do is fill out the application form. Ensure that you attest the necessary documents. Once done, email them to the Citizenship and Immigration Services.
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